Navigating Skuid NLX
Navigating Skuid NLX

About the Course

Approximate Time: 20 minutes
Course Point Value: 50 points

Navigate your Skuid NLX site including

  • The different options on Skuid's navigation bar

  • Where to find resources


This course will be most helpful if you already have a Skuid NLX site set up. Click here to learn how to sign up.

Course Instructor

Mari Trainer
Mari Trainer
Not started
Course Outline
  1. Navigating Skuid NLX
    1. Welcome Aboard
    2. Skuid's Navigation Bar
    3. Basic Resources
    4. Lesson Summary: Navigating Skuid NLX
    5. Solo Adventure: Navigating Skuid NLX
    6. Adventure Unlocked: Navigating Skuid NLX
    7. Think or Swim: Navigating Skuid NLX
    8. Course Completion
Navigating Skuid NLX
Navigating Skuid NLX
Not started

About the Course

Approximate Time: 20 minutes
Course Point Value: 50 points

Navigate your Skuid NLX site including

  • The different options on Skuid's navigation bar

  • Where to find resources


This course will be most helpful if you already have a Skuid NLX site set up. Click here to learn how to sign up.

Course Outline
  1. Navigating Skuid NLX
    1. Welcome Aboard
    2. Skuid's Navigation Bar
    3. Basic Resources
    4. Lesson Summary: Navigating Skuid NLX
    5. Solo Adventure: Navigating Skuid NLX
    6. Adventure Unlocked: Navigating Skuid NLX
    7. Think or Swim: Navigating Skuid NLX
    8. Course Completion

Course Categories

Skuid NLX

Course Instructor

Mari Trainer
Mari Trainer