Deploying Skuid - Level 1
Deploying Skuid - Level 1

About the Course

  • Find specifications for deploying in your Salesforce org
  • Configure page assignments
  • Understand license and permission assignment needs

Approximate Time: 10-15 minutes

Point Value: 75 points

Course Instructor

Mari Trainer
Mari Trainer
Not started
Course Outline
  1. Deploying Skuid
    1. Make Your App Available to End Users
    2. The Power of Salesforce and Skuid Combined
    3. Understanding Permissions
    4. Downloadable: Skuid SFX Deployment Checklist
    5. Skuid Tip of the Week - Deploying Skuid
    6. Lesson Summary - Deploying Skuid
    7. Solo Adventure: Deploying Skuid
    8. Adventure Unlocked: Deploying Skuid
    9. Think or Swim: Deploying Skuid
    10. Course Completion Status
Deploying Skuid - Level 1
Deploying Skuid - Level 1
Not started

About the Course

  • Find specifications for deploying in your Salesforce org
  • Configure page assignments
  • Understand license and permission assignment needs

Approximate Time: 10-15 minutes

Point Value: 75 points

Course Outline
  1. Deploying Skuid
    1. Make Your App Available to End Users
    2. The Power of Salesforce and Skuid Combined
    3. Understanding Permissions
    4. Downloadable: Skuid SFX Deployment Checklist
    5. Skuid Tip of the Week - Deploying Skuid
    6. Lesson Summary - Deploying Skuid
    7. Solo Adventure: Deploying Skuid
    8. Adventure Unlocked: Deploying Skuid
    9. Think or Swim: Deploying Skuid
    10. Course Completion Status

Course Categories

Level 1

Course Instructor

Mari Trainer
Mari Trainer